commit 24abab6a259c0804928e5132cb6956e2198892ef
parent 48bf5fcd22607913c146fc94100d4390748f1cd3
Author: Stefan Koch <>
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2020 12:32:55 +0100
cleanup code for VM startup
1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
diff --git a/aetherscale/ b/aetherscale/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ from . import execution
# logging from print
# Non-VDE networking is deprecated and should not be used anymore
VDE_FOLDER = '/tmp/vde.ctl'
@@ -29,8 +28,6 @@ QUEUE_NAME = 'vm-queue'
BASE_IMAGE_FOLDER = Path('base_images')
USER_IMAGE_FOLDER = Path('user_images')
-run_qemu_username = os.getenv('RUN_QEMU_AS')
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
channel =
@@ -79,33 +76,38 @@ def get_process_for_vm(vm_id: str) -> Optional[psutil.Process]:
class QemuStartupConfig:
vm_id: str
- hda: Path
+ hda_image: Path
mac_addr: str
- netdev: str
+ vde_folder: Path
def create_qemu_systemd_unit(
- unit_file: IO[str], qemu_config: QemuStartupConfig):
- hda_quoted = shlex.quote(str(qemu_config.hda.absolute()))
+ unit_name: str, qemu_config: QemuStartupConfig):
+ hda_quoted = shlex.quote(str(qemu_config.hda_image.absolute()))
device_quoted = shlex.quote(
- netdev_quoted = shlex.quote(qemu_config.netdev)
- name = f'qemu-vm-{qemu_config.vm_id},process=vm-{qemu_config.vm_id}'
- name_quoted = shlex.quote(name)
+ netdev_quoted = shlex.quote(
+ f'vde,id=pubnet,sock={str(qemu_config.vde_folder)}')
+ name_quoted = shlex.quote(
+ f'qemu-vm-{qemu_config.vm_id},process=vm-{qemu_config.vm_id}')
command = f'qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4096 -accel kvm -hda {hda_quoted} ' \
- '-nographic ' \
f'-device {device_quoted} -netdev {netdev_quoted} ' \
- f'-name {name_quoted}'
+ f'-name {name_quoted} ' \
+ '-nographic'
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False) as f:
+ f.write('[Unit]\n')
+ f.write(f'Description=aetherscale VM {qemu_config.vm_id}\n')
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.write('[Service]\n')
+ f.write(f'ExecStart={command}\n')
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.write('[Install]\n')
+ f.write('\n')
- unit_file.write('[Unit]\n')
- unit_file.write(f'Description=aetherscale VM {qemu_config.vm_id}\n')
- unit_file.write('\n')
- unit_file.write('[Service]\n')
- unit_file.write(f'ExecStart={command}\n')
- unit_file.write('\n')
- unit_file.write('[Install]\n')
- unit_file.write('\n')
+ execution.copy_systemd_unit(Path(, unit_name)
+ os.remove(
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
@@ -155,35 +157,16 @@ def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print(str(e), file=sys.stderr)
- if NETWORKING_MODE != 'vde':
- tap_device = f'vm-{vm_id}'
- if not interfaces.create_tap_device(
- tap_device, 'br0', run_qemu_username):
- print(f'Could not create tap device for VM "{vm_id}"',
- file=sys.stderr)
- return
mac_addr = interfaces.create_mac_address()
print(f'Assigning MAC address "{mac_addr}" to VM "{vm_id}"')
- if NETWORKING_MODE == 'vde':
- netdev = \
- f'vde,id=pubnet,sock={VDE_FOLDER}'
- else:
- netdev = \
- f'tap,id=pubnet,ifname={tap_device},script=no,downscript=no'
qemu_config = QemuStartupConfig(
- hda=user_image,
+ hda_image=user_image,
- netdev=netdev)
+ vde_folder=Path(VDE_FOLDER))
unit_name = f'aetherscale-vm-{vm_id}.service'
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False) as f:
- create_qemu_systemd_unit(f, qemu_config)
- execution.copy_systemd_unit(Path(, unit_name)
- os.remove(
+ create_qemu_systemd_unit(unit_name, qemu_config)
print(f'Started VM "{vm_id}"')
@@ -207,31 +190,23 @@ def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
def run():
channel.basic_consume(queue=QUEUE_NAME, on_message_callback=callback)
- # if we're on VDE networking, a TAP interface must already have been
- # created
- if NETWORKING_MODE == 'vde':
- if not interfaces.check_device_existence(VDE_TAP_INTERFACE):
- print(
- f'Interface {VDE_TAP_INTERFACE} does not exist. '
- 'Please create it manually and then start this service again',
- file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
-'Bringing up VDE networking')
- execution.copy_systemd_unit(
- Path('data/systemd/aetherscale-vde.service'),
- 'aetherscale-vde.service')
- execution.start_systemd_unit('aetherscale-vde.service')
- # Give systemd a bit time to start VDE
- time.sleep(0.5)
- if not execution.systemctl_is_running('aetherscale-vde.service'):
- logging.error('Failed to start VDE networking.')
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- if not interfaces.check_device_existence('br0'):
- # TODO: Should remove hardcoded IP addresses, but this
- # networking method will be deleted anyway
- interfaces.init_bridge(
- 'br0', 'enp0s25', '', '')
+ # a TAP interface for VDE must already have been created
+ if not interfaces.check_device_existence(VDE_TAP_INTERFACE):
+ print(
+ f'Interface {VDE_TAP_INTERFACE} does not exist. '
+ 'Please create it manually and then start this service again',
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+'Bringing up VDE networking')
+ execution.copy_systemd_unit(
+ Path('data/systemd/aetherscale-vde.service'),
+ 'aetherscale-vde.service')
+ execution.start_systemd_unit('aetherscale-vde.service')
+ # Give systemd a bit time to start VDE
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ if not execution.systemctl_is_running('aetherscale-vde.service'):
+ logging.error('Failed to start VDE networking.')
+ sys.exit(1)